Complete Betting Rules |
Last updated: December 4th 2018 |
A. Conditions of agreement |
1. Introduction |
- The Complete Betting Rules govern the use of the Casino Sports Book. When placing a bet with Casino Sports Book, the patron is therefore agreeing that the patron has read, understood and will be adhering to the Complete Betting Rules at any time applicable to Casino Sports Book.
- The use of this Sports Book is subject to the regulations imposed by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board.
- Any dispute relating in any way to the use of this Sports Book needs to first be submitted to Casinothrough the online submission form at the casino’s website. In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the customer, the customer has a right to file a dispute with the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. Decisions of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board are final.
- Casinoreserves the right to make changes to the betting limits, payout limits and offerings at any time.
- Casinomay update, amend, edit and supplement the Complete Betting Rules at any time.
- Any reference in the Complete Betting Rules to words/objects that appear in singular also applies to plural. References to gender are non-binding and to be treated as information purposes only.
- We will not accept wager from any person under the age of 21 or persons prohibited from engaging in sports wagering activities as listed in 58 PA Code §1401.8. Some examples are: No collegiate or professional athlete, referee, official, coach, manager, handler or athletic trainer or employee or contractor of a team or athletic organization can wager on events that they are directly or indirectly involved in.
2. Definitions |
- "Error" is a mistake, misprint, misinterpretation, mishearing, misreading, mistranslation, spelling mistake, technical hazard, registration error, transaction error, manifest error, force majeure and/or similar. Examples of errors include, but are not limited to:
- bets accepted during technical problems that would otherwise not have been accepted;
- bets placed on events/offers that have already been decided;
- bets on markets containing incorrect participants;
- bets placed at odds that are materially different from those available in the general market at the time the bet was placed;
- bets offered at odds which reflect an incorrect score situation; or else,
- odds being clearly incorrect given the chance of the event occurring at the time the bet was placed.
- "Influence Betting" is an act, prohibited by Casino Sports Book, where a patron, or parties acting in association with a patron, can influence the outcome of a match or an event - directly or indirectly.
- "Syndicate Betting" is an act, prohibited by Casinowhere patrons act together to place a series of bets on the same event or competition. Where there is evidence of patrons acting together in this manner Casinoreserves the right to make the relevant bets void and/or withhold payment of returns pending the outcome of subsequent investigations.
3. Bet Acceptance |
- A bet is not valid until it is validated and the ticket has been printed. In cases of uncertainty about the validity of a bet, patrons are requested to contact Sportsbook Management.
- Unless accepted in Error, once accepted, a bet will remain valid and cannot be withdrawn. It is the responsibility of the patron to ensure details of the bets placed are correct. Casinowill under no circumstance accept any responsibility for any mistakes (perceived and actual), deriving from either Errors as listed under <Section A.2.1>, or any other reason, such as but not limited to, incorrect listing of the odds/betting objects.
- Should a dispute arise about the acceptance (or lack thereof) of any transaction, the data recorded on the transaction server will be the ultimate source in deciding such matters.
4. Tickets |
- Please check your ticket for accuracy as all tickets go as written after you leave the betting counter. Once a bet is accepted, tickets will not be altered or voided except at the discretion of Sportsbook Management.
- No winning bet will be paid without the customer copy of the betting ticket.
- Management is not responsible for lost, stolen, altered or unreadable tickets.
- Winning tickets can be redeemed for cash at the Sportsbook during operating hours or redeemed for cash at the Cage during Sportsbook non-operating hours.
- Mail-in instructions are printed on the tickets.
- Winning tickets expire after one year from the time of the event. Once expired, the value of winning tickets will be escheated to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Treasury as required by law.
5. Betting and Payout Limitations |
- Casinoreserves the right to limit the net payout (the payout after the stake has been deducted) on any bet or combination of bets by a single patron. This limit may be lower depending on the specific sport, league and type of bet offer. For further information it is recommended to consult the Sport Specific Betting Limits in <Section C.9>.
- All bet selections are subject to pre-imposed limits set solely at Casino's discretion which may be lower than the limits mentioned in <Section A.5.1> and <Section C.9>. Should this limit be reached, a patron has the right to ask for it to be exceeded by means of a request effected through Casinoplatform(s). Casinoreserves the right to accept (fully or partially) or reject the said request without any prior notice and further explanation.
- Casinoreserves the right to decline, solely at its own discretion, all, or part of, any bet requested. This includes the possibility that a "System bet" as defined in <Section B.4> is not accepted in full, either in terms of stakes or combinations included in said "System bet".
- All bets placed through any Casinoplatform, also including bets requesting manual approval, may be subject to a time delay prior to acceptance, the length of which may vary. Such delay is to be determined by Casinoat its sole discretion.
- Casinoreserves the right to withhold payment and/or to declare bets void on an event (or series of events), if there is sufficient evidence that any of the following has occurred:
- the integrity of the event has been called into question;
- the price(s) or pool has been manipulated;
- Game-fixing has taken place, or the game is under investigation for such.
Evidence of the above may be based on the size, volume or pattern of bets placed with Casinoacross any or all of its betting channels, as well as information received from other betting providers or officially recognized organizations.
- All odds offered are subject to variation. Such fluctuation is determined solely at Casino's discretion. Bets are accepted only at the odds available in the betting platform at the time the bet was accepted by Casino Sports Book.
- All payout calculations when settling bets will be done based on Decimal odds, irrespective of any other format displayed/chosen at time of bet placement. For example, American odds +100 = 2.00 in Decimal odds.
6. Cancellation (Voiding) of Bets |
- A bet can be declared void, and will be, in that event, settled with the odds of 1.00 = +0 in American odds, i.e. wager is refunded to the patron.
- At its sole discretion, and provided that the patron has not left the betting window, Casino Sports Book reserves the right to void a bet due to the ticket writer’s error.
- A bet made as a parlay bet shall remain valid notwithstanding a game or an event which is part of the parlay bet being void.
- Casinoreserves the right, at its own discretion, to declare a bet void, totally or partly, if it is obvious that any of the following circumstances have occurred:
- Bets have been offered, placed and/or accepted due to an Error;
- Bets placed while the platform was encountering technical problems, that would otherwise not have been accepted;
- Influence Betting;
- Syndicate Betting;
- A result has been affected by criminal actions - directly or indirectly;
- A public announcement has occurred in relation to the bet which significantly alters the odds.
- A parlay bet shall never include two or more offers where the outcomes might turn out to be related (e.g. Team X to win the Super Bowl and Player Y to be voted Most Valuable Player in the same league). Although Casinotakes all necessary steps to prevent such possibilities, in the eventuality that this would happen, Casinoreserves the right, solely at its own discretion, to declare void all parts of the parlay bet which include the correlated outcomes.
- Bets can be voided regardless of whether the event has been settled or not.
- Furthermore, all bets placed (and/or accepted) in the following circumstances will be declared void:
- Pre-game betting
- Bets placed after the event has started;
- Bets placed after a related event was underway and where conditions could have been altered in a direct and indisputable way.
- In-game betting
- Bets placed at incorrect price due to delayed or failing ‘Live’ coverage;
- Bets placed on particular offers after these have occurred, or else after an event which could normally be deemed as leading to the outcome has happened or is happening
- Bets placed on odds which represented a different score than the actual;
7. Disclaimer and Priority |
- Casinoreserves the right, at its own discretion, to adjust a Payout credited to a patron if it is obvious that the Payout has been credited to the patron due to an Error.
- In order to adjust any inaccuracy in the patron's session balance following amounts credited due to an Error, Casinoreserves the right to take any necessary action, without prior notice and within reasonable limits, to adjust the patron's session balance through the reversal, amendment or cancellation, of any subsequent transaction on the patron's session.
- Any complaints/disagreements towards settlement of any bet offer, should reach Casinowithin 14 days of the initial settlement to require a full investigation. All other complaints will only be considered if indisputable evidence of an inaccurate settlement is presented by the patron. Such evidence will only be taken into consideration unless it is in any way attributable to situations as described in <Section B.5.2>.
- Casinoreserves the right to suspend the status of any affected bets until it completes any investigations it deems necessary.
- These rules are applicable to all transactions with Casino Sports Book and may be supplemented with other rules. In the event of ambiguity, priority should be considered in the following order:
- Rules and conditions published in conjunction with an offer and/or campaign;
- Should these be inconclusive, reference will be made to the General Betting Rules, unless Sport-Specific Betting Rules declare otherwise.
- In cases where it deems that these rules are inconclusive, Casinoreserves the right, according to its own discretion, to settle offers on an individual basis on the basis of equity, attaining itself to generally accepted betting norms, customs and definitions.
- Adaptations into other languages of these Complete Betting Rules, or any other text which can be associated with bet offers, are done for purely informative purposes. Although all necessary precautions have been taken to assure the most faithful rendition of these terms in the specific language, Casinowill not accept any liability for any incompatibility between the English version and any other language. Thus, in case of discrepancy between the English edition and the respective translation, the former will be deemed as binding and will be the basis upon which the offers will be settled.
- Any data provided or accessible in, from or related to the Sports Book may be used by the patron for private, non-commercial use only and any use or attempted use of such data for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
B. General Betting Rules |
1. Common Terms of Reference |
- Unless listed either in conjunction with the bet offer, or else in the Sport Specific rules, all bets should be considered valid for the result at the end of the "Regular Time" or "Full Time" only. "Regular Time" or "Full time" is defined as interpreted by the official rules published by the respective sports governing body. For example, in football, full time is stipulated to be end of the 4th quarter (4 x 15 min), and in ice hockey it is stipulated as the 3 x 20 minute periods. Should the sports governing body decide to stipulate, before the start of the event, that the said event is to be played over a different duration, this will be treated as being the official rules for the event. Nonetheless, such occurrence is limited to the "regular" playing time and does not include any prolongation such as extra time or overtime, unless explicitly stated.
- "In-game betting" is where it is possible to bet during an ongoing game or event. Casinodoes not acknowledge or accept any liability whatsoever if it not possible to place a bet or the live score update is not correct. At all times it is the patron's responsibility to be aware of the game and the events surrounding it such as the current score, its progression and how much time remains before the game is completed. Casinodoes not accept any liability for changes to the In-game betting schedule or interruption of the In-game betting service.
- The 'Cash Out' function allows the patron the possibility to redeem a bet, which status has not been settled yet, at its current value. It is available on selected events both in pre-game and in-game, as well as on both singles and parlays. Cash Out functionality cannot be used on free bets. Cash Out requests might be subject to the same delay procedure as listed in <Section A.5.4>. Should it happen that during this delay, for whatever reason, either the offer is removed or odds fluctuate, the Cash Out request will not be accepted and the patron will be notified. Casinoreserves the right to offer such functionality solely at its own discretion and does not acknowledge or accept any liability whatsoever if the Cash Out functionality is not available. Should a Cash Out request be successful, the bet will be settled immediately and any subsequent events which occur in relation with the bet will not be taken into account. In the instance of a cashed out bet having suffered from a technical, pricing or settlement error at any time between the time of original placement and the cash out, Casinoreserves the right rectify such inaccuracy in accordance with <Section A.7.2>.
- The "Participant" is an object constituting part of an event. In "Head-to-Head" and "Triple-Head" the Participant only refers to objects that are subject to the "Head-to-Head" or "Triple-Head" event in question.
- The deadline (cut-off time) shown on tickets, kiosks and digital signage etc is to be considered for information purposes only. Casinoreserves the right, at its own discretion, to suspend, partially or completely, the betting activity at any time where it deems necessary.
- Statistics or editorial text published by Casinoare to be considered as added information but Casinodoes not acknowledge or accept any liability whatsoever if the information is not correct. At all times it is the patron’s responsibility to be aware about circumstances relating to an event.
2. Bet Types |
- Moneyline (to win) is where it is possible to bet on the (partial or definite) outcome of a game or event, i.e. who will win.
- 3-way Moneyline (aka "Match" or 1X2) is where it is possible to bet on the (partial or definite) outcome of a game or event. The options are: "1" = Home team; "X" = Tie, or the selection in the middle; "2" = Away team.
- "Correct Score" (aka Result Betting) is where it is possible to bet on the (partial or definite) exact score of a game or event.
- "Over/Under" (aka Totals) is where it is possible to bet on the (partial or definite) amount of a predefined occurrence (e.g. points, runs, goals, rebounds, penalty minutes, etc.). Should the total amount of the listed occurrences be exactly equal to the betting line, then all bets on this offer will be declared void. Example: an offer where the betting line is 128.0 points and the game ends with the result 64-64 will be declared void, and wager amount will be returned to patrons.
- "Odd/Even" is where it is possible to bet on the (partial or definite) amount of a predefined occurrence (e.g. points, runs, goals, rebounds, penalty minutes, etc.)."Odd" is 1,3,5 etc.; "Even" is 0,2,4 etc.
- A "Head-to-Head" and/or "Triple-Head" is a competition between two or three participants/outcomes, originating from either an officially organised event, or else, as virtually defined by Casino Sports Book. Example for Triple-Head is three golfers, who will finish highest in a particular event.
- "Half time/Full time" is where it is possible to bet on the result at half time and the final outcome of the game. E.g. if at Half time the score is 24-10 and the match ends 24-30, the winning outcome is ½ (home team/away team if the score for this game is listed home team-away team). The bet is void if the regular time of the game is played in a different time format than those listed in the bet (i.e. other than two halves).
- "Period betting" is where it is possible to bet on the outcome of each separate period within a game/event. E.g. If the period scores in an ice hockey game are 2-0 / 0-1 / 1-1, the winning outcome is 1/2/X (home team win/away team win/tie if the score of the home team is listed first). The bet is void if the regular time of the match is played in a different time format than those listed in the bet (i.e. other than three periods).
- "Tie No Bet" is where it is possible to bet on either "1" (Home win) or "2" (Away win) as defined in <Section B.2.2>. It is also common practice to refer to "Tie No Bet" in cases where no tie odds are offered. Should the specific game contain no winner (E.g. game ends as a tie), or the particular occurrence not happen (E.g. First Touchdown, Tie No Bet and game ends without any touchdowns) the wager will be refunded.
- Spread betting (Points spread in Football and Basketball, Runline in Baseball, Puckline in Hockey or "Handicap") is where it is possible to bet on whether the chosen outcome will be victorious once the listed spread/line is added/subtracted (as applicable) to the game/period/total score to which the bet refers to. In those circumstances where the result after the adjustment of the spread/line is exactly equal to the betting line, then all bets on this offer will be declared void and wagers refunded. Example: a bet on -3.0 points will be declared void if the team chosen wins the match by exactly 3 points difference (for example 27-24). Any reference in this section to the term “margin” is intended to be understood as the outcome emerging from the subtraction of the points/runs/goals scored by the 2 teams/participants.
Unless otherwise stated all spreads/lines/handicaps listed by Casinoare to be calculated based on the result from the start of the listed game/quarter/period to the end of the specified game/quarter/period. It is however customary that for certain spread/handicap bet offers in specific sports (Asian Handicap in Soccer), only the outcomes obtained from the time of bet placement until the end of the listed timeframe will be taken into consideration, thus disregarding any goals/points scored before the time the bet was placed and accepted. Any bet offer with these characteristics will be highlighted on the patron’s betslip/ticket with the score at the time of bet placement.
There are 3 different “spread betting” formats:
2-way Spread: Team A (-3.5) vs Team B (+3.5)
- Team A is given a -3.5 point “handicap” in the game. For the bet to be won, Team A must win the game with a margin bigger than the listed “handicap” (i.e. 4 points or more).
- Team B is given a +3.5 point advantage in the game. For the bet to be won, Team B must either win the game, or not lose with a margin bigger than their listed advantage (i.e. maximum lose with a 3 point margin).
- In the case the spread/line is a whole number, i.e. 3.0, the wager is refunded in the event that the game ends in a tie when taking the spread into account. For example, Team A has a line of -3.0 and wins the game by exactly 3 points, i.e. 27-24, the wagers will be refunded. Likewise, if the patron places a wager on Team B at +3.0 and Team B loses by exactly 3 points, the wager is refunded.
3-way Spread (primarily betting on Soccer): Team A (-2) Tie (Exactly 2) Team B (+2)
- Team A is given a 2 goal “handicap” in the game. For the bet to be won, Team A must win the game with a bigger margin than the listed handicap (i.e. 3 goals or more).
- Tie would be the victorious outcome should the game end up with exactly the listed margin (i.e. game ends with results such as 2-0, 3-1 and 4-2).
- Team B is given a 2 goal advantage in the game. For the bet to be won, Team B must either win the game, match finish in a draw or not lose with a margin equal or bigger than their listed advantage (i.e. maximum lose with only a 1 goal margin).
Asian Handicap (primarily betting on Soccer): Team A (-1.75) vs Team B (+1.75)
- Team A is given a -1.75 goal handicap in the game. This means that the wager is divided into 2 equal bets and placed on the outcomes -1.5 and -2.0. For the bet to be fully paid out at the listed odds, Team A must win the game with a bigger margin than both of their listed handicaps (ie. 3 goals or more margin). In the eventuality that Team A wins with only a 2 goal margin, the bet will be considered as partially won with a full payout on the -1.5 part of the bet and a refund on the -2.0 side since the outcome on that part of the bet would be considered a “tie”. Should the game produce any other outcome, including a Team A victory with only 1 goal of margin, the whole wager would be lost.
- Team B is given a +1.75 goal advantage in the game. This means that the wager is divided into 2 equal bets and placed on the outcomes +1.5 and +2.0. For the bet to be fully paid out at the listed odds, Team B must either win the game, mgame finish in a tie or not lose with a margin equal or bigger than any of their listed advantages (i.e. maximum lose with only a 1 goal margin). In the eventuality that Team B loses with exactly a 2 goal margin, the bet will be considered as partially lost with a refund on the -2.0 part of the bet and a loss on the -1.5 part of the bet. Should the game produce any other outcome which results in a defeat of Team B with a margin of 3 or more goals, the whole wager would be lost.
Alternative lines/spreads (also known as Teasers and Pleasers).
- Teaser: is where the patron can “buy” additional points at less favourable odds than the main spread of any particular game. For example: the main line may be Pittsburgh -3 at odds -110, but the patron wants to bet Pittsburgh -1.5 points. The odds given in this example might instead be -150.
- Pleaser: is the opposite of Teaser, i.e. the patron wants to bet a more difficult spread/handicap line and instead receive more favourable odds. For example: Instead of betting Pittsburgh -3 at odds -110, the patron bets Pittsburgh -5.5 at odds +130.
- Casino might offer several different spreads/handicap lines on any given game.
- "Double Chance" is where it is possible to bet simultaneously on two (partial or definite) outcomes of a game or event, typically in a 3-way Moneyline bet (aka 1X2). The options are: 1X, 12 and X2 with "1", "X" and "2" as defined in <Section B.2.2>.
- Futures ("Outright" or "Place") betting is where it is possible to choose from a list of alternatives and bet on the eventuality that a participant wins or places within a specified position in the classification of the listed event/competition. Should two or more participants share finishing positions, the settlement will be based as per the definition in <Section B.5.14>.
- An “Each Way” bet (aka EW) refers to a bet where the chosen selection must either Win or else Place within the payout terms. The bet is divided in two parts (the “Win” part and the “Place” part) of an equal stake. Settlement of such bets will take into account the applicable rules governing the "Win" and "Place" bets, namely the Sport-specific rules as well as <Section B.5.11>.
- "Goal minutes" is where it is possible to bet on the sum of the minutes when the goals have been scored (typically Soccer). When settling such bets, goals scored in injury time of both halves are to be considered as having been scored in the 45th minute in case the goal was scored in the first half injury time and the 90th minute in case the goal was scored in the second half injury time. Own goals will not count towards the settlement of individual player’s ‘goal minutes'.
3. Other Bet Types |
- Fantasy/Virtual "Games" or "Head to Heads" are implicit match-ups where the performances of two or more participants/teams which are not directly confronting each other in the same game/match/event/round are compared. Settlement will be based on the number of times each participant records a predefined occurrence (e.g. points, yards, etc.) in the respective game. The following criteria will be used to determine the settlement of these type of offerings:
- Unless specifically stated the bets refer to the next official game/match/event/round (as applicable) that the listed participants/teams are scheduled to take part in.
- All relative games/matches/events must be completed on the same day/session which the game/match/event/round is scheduled to be completed for bets to stand, except for those offers the outcomes of which has been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- Results for these offers will only take into account occurrences deriving from the actual play. Results attributable to forfeit/walk-overs as well as other decisions as specified in clauses 2, 3 and 4 of <Section B.5> will not be taken into consideration.
- Should the aforementioned criteria be inconclusive in determining the outcome for these offers, the following criteria will be progressively referenced to in order to settle the offering:
- the applicable Sport-specific rules as listed in <Section C>,
- Result Settlement rules as listed in <Section B.5>.
Bets will be settled as void should it still be impossible to determine a winning outcome.
- "Grand Salami" is where it is possible to bet on the total number of listed occurrences (Example: Total Goals, Total Runs) happening in a collection of games/matches/events on a specified game/round/day/match day. All relative games/matches/events must be completed for bets to stand except for those the outcomes of which have been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- Over/Under bets on classification of participants in performances/events (for example golf tournaments) must be interpreted as follows: "Over" means a worse or lower position while "Under" means a better or higher position. Example: A bet on a golfer's classification in a tournament with an Over/Under line 2.5 will be settled as Under if the player classifies first or second. All other placements will be settled as Over.
- Bets on "Quarter / Half / Period X" refer to the result/score achieved in the relevant timeframe and does not include any other points/goals/events tallied from other parts of the game/event/match. Bets will be voided if the game is played in any other format but the one stipulated in the offer.
- Bets on "Result at end of Quarter / Half / Period X" refer to the result of the game/match/event after termination of the stipulated timeframe and will take into account all other points/goals/events tallied from previous parts of the game/event/match.
- Bets on "Race to X Points / Race to X Goals..." and similar offers refer to the team/participant reaching the earliest the particular tally of points/goals/events. If the offer lists a timeframe (or any other period restriction) it will not include any other points/goals/events tallied from other parts of the game/event/match which are not related to the mentioned timeframe. Should the listed score not be reached within the stipulated timeframe (if any), all bets will be declared void, unless otherwise stated.
- Bets on "Touchdown X Scorer/Winner of Point X / Scorer of Goal X" and similar offers refer to the team/participant scoring/winning the listed occurrence. For the settlement of these offers, no reference to events happening prior to the listed occurrence will be taken into consideration. Should the listed event not be scored/won within the stipulated timeframe (if any), all bets will be declared void, unless otherwise stated.
- Bets referring to the happening of a particular occurrence in a pre-defined time order, such as “Next Team to receive penalty minutes or “First Card”,” will be settled as void should it not be possible, without any reasonable doubt, to decide the winning outcome, for example in case of players from different teams which are given a penalty in the same interruption of play.
- "Team to score first and win" refers to the listed team scoring the first points in the game and going on to win the game. Should there be no points scored in the game all bets will be settled as void.
- Any reference to "shutout” or “clean sheet" indicates that the listed team must not concede any points/goal during the game.
- "Team to win from behind" refers to the listed team winning the game after having been at least 1 point/run/goal down at any point in the game.
- Any reference for a team to win all halves/periods (e.g. Team to win both halves) means that the listed team must score more points/goals than its opponent during all the stipulated halves/periods of the game.
- Any reference to "Injury Time" refers to the amount displayed by the designated official and not to the actual amount played.
- Settlement of bets on offers such as "Most Valuable Player", "Man of the Match" etc. will be based on the competition's organisers’ decision, unless otherwise stated.
- Settlement of bets which make reference to terms such as “go-ahead scorer” or "decisive goal" will be settled based on the scorer of the points/run/goal that at the end of the game/match/tie (as applicable) proves to be the one that has produced an unassailable lead, following which any further points/runs/goals would prove to be irrelevant towards the final outcome. For a bet to be settled as "YES" the listed player's team must be declared winner of that particular game (in case of one game) or progressing to the next round/winning the competition. Point/runs/goals scored in Regular Time and Overtime/Extra Time count (but not Penalty Shoot outs in Soccer).
- Bets on events which feature a selection of episodes that could happen in a game (E.g. "What will happen first to the player? with options "Score a goal, Get a Yellow/Red Card, Be Substituted) will be settled as void should none of the listed events/outcomes occur.
- Offers referring to which team/participant will achieve a particular accomplishment against another team/participant (E.g. Next team to beat Team X) as well as offers which refer to the classification on a certain date, will stand and be settled regardless of any eventual schedule changes and number of games/rounds played.
- Settlement of offers referring to which team/participant will be the first to achieve a particular accomplishment against other team(s)/participant(s) (E.g. Team to score first in Gameday X) will be based upon the timeframe in the respective game in which the feat has been accomplished. Example: Team A plays on Saturday and score their first touchdown in the 14th minute of play while Team B plays on Sunday and score their first touchdown after 5 minutes of play, then Team B will be settled as winner.
- From time to time Casinomight decide to publish offerings referring either to the single performance of a participant/team; or offerings which combine the potential outcomes of 2 or more teams/participants (ex. Enhanced parlays), at higher odds than those normally available. Casinoreserves the right to withdraw such offers, edit the respective odds and effect any further changes Casinomight deem necessary at its sole discretion.
Settlement of these offers will be based on the following criteria:
- Unless specifically stated the bets refer to the next official game/match/event/round (as applicable) that the listed participants/teams are scheduled to take part in.
- All relative events must be completed within the same day/session (as applicable) as listed in conjunction with the offer. Should this not be the case, stakes placed on the offer will be fully refunded except for those offers the outcomes of which has been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- Results for these offers will only take into account occurrences deriving from the actual play. Results attributable to forfeit/walk-overs as well as other decisions as specified in clauses 2, 3 and 4 of <Section B.5> will not be taken into consideration.
- All connotations related to the bet must be fully and unquestionably complied with for the bet to be deemed as winning, regardless of any possible conflict with the Sport-Specific rules or with any potential interpretation based on previous or current presentation of offers related to events in that particular sport and the way these are normally presented in Casino Sports Book. Bets will be settled as void should it still be impossible to determine a winning outcome.
While all necessary precaution has been taken by Casinoto ensure a superior user experience, it is to be understood that markets might fluctuate in such a way that at any given point in time these do not present an enhanced value comparable to related bet offers currently present within Casino’s offering. |
4. Parlay/System Bets/Round Robins |
- In Pre-game betting, it is possible to combine up to twelve (12) different offers (for example games) on a single coupon. Based on these twelve offers, patron’s can choose their own number of singles, 2-way parlays, 3-way parlays etc up to a 12-way parlay. Combining different parlays on a single coupon is sometimes called Round Robins.
- For In-game betting it is possible to combine up to twelve (12) different offers on a single coupon as a parlay bet. All selected games/offers in a parlay must be included in the coupon and no other parlay option (Example: singles, doubles, etc.) which exclude 1 or more games/offers are available. I.e. Round Robins are not available for In-game betting parlays.
- Casino reserves the right to limit the amount of combinations due to what is known as outcome dependency, as defined in <Section A.5.3>. and also other factors, solely at its own discretion.
- It is possible to include one or several games as ‘bankers’ which means that the selected games/events will be included in all parlays of a coupons.
- A ‘Trixie’ is a combination, which includes one 3-way parlay (treble) and three 2-way parlays (doubles) from a selection of three matches.
- A ‘Patent’ is a combination, which includes one 3-way parlay (treble), three 2-way parlays (doubles) and three singles from a selection of three games.
- A ‘Yankee’ is a combination, which includes one 4-way parlay (fourfold), four 3-way (trebles) and six 2-way parlays (doubles) from a selection of four games.
- A ‘Canadian’ (also known as ‘Super Yankee’) is a combination, which includes one 5-way parlay (fivefold), five 4-way parlays (fourfolds), ten 3-way parlays (trebles) and ten 2-way parlays (doubles) from a selection of five games.
- A ‘Heinz’ is a combination, which includes one 6-way parlays (sixfold), six 5-way parlays (fivefolds), fifteen 4-way parlays (fourfolds), twenty 3-way parlays (trebles) and fifteen 2-way parlays (doubles) from a selection of six games.
- A ‘Super Heinz’ is a combination, which includes one 7-way parlays (sevenfold), seven 6-way parlays (sixfolds), twenty-one 5-way parlays (fivefolds), thirty-five 4-way parlays (fourfolds), thirty-five 3-way parlays (trebles) and twenty-one 2-way parlays (doubles) from a selection of seven games.
- A ‘Goliath’ is a combination, which includes one 8-way parlay (eightfold), eight 7-way parlays (sevenfolds), twenty-eight 6-way parlays (sixfolds), fifty-six 5-way parlays (fivefolds), seventy 4-way (fourfolds), fifty-six 3-way parlays (trebles) and twenty-eight 2-way parlays (doubles) from a selection of eight games.
- For display purposes, when necessary, the second digit after the decimal point of the odds is shown as rounded up on the patron’s betslip to the nearest decimal number. The payout will however be calculated based on the actual odds multiplied by the wager amount, disregarding the aforementioned rounding.
5. Result Settlement |
- When settling results Casinowill do its utmost to attain itself to information obtained first hand (during or exactly after the event has been concluded), through TV transmissions, streaming (web-based and through other sources) as well as official sites. Should this information be omitted from first hand viewing and/or official sources and/or there is an obvious Error in the information included in the sources above, the settlement of the bet offer will be based on other public sources.
- Settlement of bets will not include any changes deriving from and/or attributable to, but not limited to: disqualifications, penalisations, protests, sub judice results and/or successive changes to the official result after the event has been completed and a result has been announced, even preliminarily. For bets referring to competitions which span over more than 1 round/stage (E.g,:.Season Bets), only amendments effecting bets which settlement has not been decided yet will be taken into consideration. Such measures must be announced by the official governing body/association before the last scheduled round/stage will be considered. Any changes effected after this date, or else referring to bets which have already been settled based on events happening during the event/competition will not be considered.
- Occurrences which have not been sanctioned and/or acknowledged by the game/match/event officials (e.g. disallowed touchdowns) will not be taken into account towards the settlement of the bet. As a general rule, and unless the offer specifies otherwise, Casinowill settle offers based on the exact time that the flow of play was interrupted/resumed (as applicable) by the occurrence in question (e.g. ball went out of play for a throw-in/goal kick or crosses the line for a goal in Soccer). Bets referring to the accumulation of a particular occurrence (e.g. Total corners in Soccer) and/or the execution of a particular action, will require said occurrence to actually take place during the time interval specified (e.g. the corner being kicked). In such instances, should the occurrence be only awarded and not taken, it will not be considered for settlement purposes.
- All bet offers related to games/matches/events which do not take place at all or are awarded a result through a forfeit/’walk-over’ decision will be declared void and wagers will be refunded.
- In case of an abandoned event, all bet offers that have been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, will be settled according to the decided outcome. All remaining bet offers will only be settled if an official result is announced within 36 hours and will otherwise be considered void and wagers will be refunded.
- In case an event is abandoned and is scheduled to restart from the beginning within 36 hours of the original date, all bets placed before the initial game which could not be settled through the outcomes deriving from the play prior to abandonment, will be declared void and wagers will be refunded.
- Should the date for an event which has not started yet, be moved not more than 3 full days prior/following the original date and time previously issued by the official governing body/association, all bets will stand, even if the new kick off time is more than 36 hours past/previous the original stipulated time. In case an event which has not started yet, is moved more than a full 3 days, or else, the event has started and an official result cannot be declared before 36 hours have passed, the bets will be declared void and wagers will be refunded.
- In cases of events which have not been completed before their natural conclusion, and a result is issued through a decision by the official governing body/association not more than 36 hours from the event’s start, Casinowill use the issued decision as the official result for the following bet offers: Moneyline, Tie No Bet and Double Chance. Notwithstanding that, the issued decision does not change the outcome of the said bet offers at the time of the abandonment. In that case the wagers will be refunded. All other offers will be declared void except for those the outcomes of which have been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- All bet offers related to uncompleted games/matches/events where the official governing body is not previously acknowledged will be declared as void unless at least 90% of the stipulated Regular/Full time is played, see in <Section B.1.1>. Should the game/match/event be abandoned after 90% has been completed, the settlement will be based on the current score at the time when the match/event was stopped.
- Settlement of bet offers, such as, but not limited to, stolen bases, errors, sacks, shots, shots on target, ball possession, assists, rebounds, etc. will be based according to the definition with which the official governing body issues said statistics. Unless backed by un-contradictory evidence, Casinowill not acknowledge any complaints which derive from a personal interpretation of such terms.
- When placing Futures ("Outright" or "Place") bets, no wagers will be refunded on participants/outcomes that are not participating or withdrawing from an event (both prior and during), unless otherwise stated. Casinoreserves the right, at its own discretion, to apply Tattersalls Rule 4, as explained in <Section B.6>, on any competition and this will be stated in correlation to the bet offer and/or the relevant Sport-specific rule.
- No refunds of wagers/bets will apply, even if the winning outcome of a game/match/event is a participant/outcome that has not been listed for betting purposes. On all bet offers the patron has the possibility to ask for a price/odds on a non-listed participant/outcome. Casinoreserves the right, at its own discretion, to decline such requests.
- In case a participant is disqualified/withheld/banned from taking part in a subsequent part/phase of an event/competition, the disqualification will be considered to have taken place at the time of the participant’s removal from the event. No alterations will be made to previous results, regardless of any modifications due to said actions.
- If two or more Participants share the applicable finishing positions and no odds have been offered for a tied outcome (defined from hereon as a ‘dead-heat’), the payout will be calculated by dividing the wager amount by the number of participants sharing those certain positions and are settled accordingly. The payout will always be at least equal to the wager amount, except in cases of “Head to Heads”, see <Section B.2.6> and <Section B.5.19>
- In “Group Betting” (aka “Best of X”), all listed participants must start the event for bets to stand.
- In “Group Betting” (aka “Best of X”), at least one participant from the selection list must successfully complete the event for bets to stand. Should that not be the case, and the official governing body/association does not follow specific tie-breaking criteria, the bets will be declared void.
- In a "Head to Head" between two or three participants, all listed participants must start the particular round/event which the bet refers to, for bets to be considered valid.
- In a "Head to Head" between two participants, all bets will be refunded if both participants share the same position/score or are eliminated at the same stage of the competition, unless the official governing body/association follows specific tie-breaking procedures, in which case, these will be deemed valid.
- In a "Head to Head" between three participants and more than one winning outcome, the odds will be divided by the outcomes sharing the winning position, irrespective whether the net outcome is lower than the patron’s wager amount.
- If a "Head to Head" is offered between different rounds/stages, all participants must take part in the upcoming round/stage for bets to be valid.
- Unless specifically stated, whenever the organising association deems it fit to include any necessary rounds, games, or series of games (e.g. Play-offs, Play-outs, Postseason) following the end of the so-called Regular Season in order to determine the classification, league winners, promotion/relegation, etc., Casinowill take into account the results and outcomes deriving from these games for settlement purposes of bets referring to the final league classification, promotion, relegation, etc. For example, seasonal bets on the team winning the NHL will refer to the Stanley Cup Winners.
- Offers which confront against each other the performances of two or more individuals/teams over a stipulated timeframe/competition will only be settled based on the result of the listed participants, disregarding all other participants in the same competition/event.
- Unless specifically stated, all offers referring to a single player’s performance in a specific domestic league (such as Total Goals Scored by Player X in League Y) or "Head to Head" bet offers involving two players’ performances in leagues, will not take into account those events happening during eventual Play-offs/Play-outs/Post-season or any other games, or series of, which would happen after the so-called Regular Season.
- Offers related to a total amount of occurrences/events scored/tallied by a particular team, either in a single team performance in a specific league (such as Total Runs Scored by Team X), or "Head to Head" bet offers involving two teams’ performances in leagues (E.g. Most Penalty Minutes in League X - Team Y vs Team Z), or a cumulative league performance (E.g. Team to receive Most Yellow Cards in League X) will not take into account those events happening during eventual Play-offs/Play-outs/Post-season or any other matches, or series of, which would happen after the so-called Regular Season, unless otherwise specified.
- In a single player performance bet offer in a specific league (such as Total Touchdowns Scored by Player X in League Y) or "Head to Head" bet offers involving two players’ performances in specific leagues, should any of the following occurrences happen to either of the participants in the selection list, the bets will be considered void: (i) does not take part in at least 50% of the stipulated games (excluding eventual Play-offs/Play-outs/Post-season); (ii) does not take part in at least another game after the bet has been placed, (iii) totals the same amount as the other player.
- In a single player performance bet offer in a specific event (such as Total Goals Scored by Player X in International Tournament) or "Head to Head" bet offers involving two players’ performances in specific events, should any of the following occurrences happen to either of the participants in the selection list, the bets will be considered void: (i) does not take part at all in the event (ii) does not take part in at least another game after the bet has been placed, (iii) totals the same amount as the other participant.
- During specific events Casinomight decide to offer for betting a reduced selection of participants and might also include betting options such as "any other", "the field", or similar. This option includes all unlisted participants except for the ones mentioned specifically as available.
- Offers that make specific reference to a participant’s/participants’ performance in a particular event (e.g. Player X vs The Field) are to be considered void if the mentioned participant(s) do(es) not take part in the competition.
- Any form of a qualification ahead of the main event is considered to be a valid part of that competition. Thus any participant who is eliminated at qualification stage will be considered losing to anyone that is pre-qualified or is successful in the qualification part.
- Bet offers which originally require participant(s) to compete in two or more stages/legs to advance into a subsequent phase/round of a competition, will remain valid regardless of any postponement/movement of the actual game dates, given that said game(s) actually takes place within the frame of the competition.
- A bet on a “To Qualify” market originally requiring just one stage/leg to advance to a subsequent phase/round of a competition (including any eventual prolongations/additional games, e.g. replays) will be declared void if said match is not decided within more than 36 hours of its supposed start time.
- Irrespective of whether such information has been detailed in the bet offer or not, bets on games being played on so-called "Neutral, fields, pitches, courts, stadiums, ice, etc" as well as in cases where the venue/surface type is changed, will not be treated as a cause for the offers to be voided, provided that the location in which the game takes place cannot be demonstrated as being the habitual "home" field of either team involved in the game, in which case all bets will be declared void. Such eventuality is not applicable to events in which, even if the location can be deemed as a potential customary "home" court, field, stadium, pitch, etc. for either of the teams involved, the official governing body association still decides to list the fixture in a way which might be interpreted differently, (e.g. specific events or the final/late stages of a competition being held in pre-established venues). In such cases the venue would be considered "Neutral" and bets stand regardless of the order in which the offer is displayed.
- Information referring to gender of the teams, as well as various definitions of reserve teams (e.g. B and C teams), is to be treated as supplementary information. The inclusion (or lack of) and correctness of such information will not be treated as sufficient cause for the voiding of the offers related to the game/event, given that this does not cause an obvious inconsistency in odds offered.
- While all necessary precautions are taken by Casinoto assure the most faithful rendition of all components involved in a bet offer, it is to be assumed that certain denominations could be represented differently due to different interpretations deriving from adaptations into another language. Such linguistic incongruence will not be treated as sufficient cause for the voiding of the offers related to the game/match/event, given that it does not create uncertainty with other participants. The same applies for denominations referring to events, team names, sponsor names, etc.
- In case of bets where there is reference to timeframes, they should be interpreted in the following way: “within the first 30 minutes” will include anything happening until 0 hours 29 minutes and 59 seconds; “between 10 to 20 minutes” will include anything happening from 10 minutes and 0 seconds until 19 minutes and 59 seconds.
- Unless listed either in conjunction with the bet offer, or else in the Sport Specific rules, bets referring to game/event/match duration which include non-full integer digits (E.g. 88.5 minutes or X.5 rounds) require the full completion of the full integer of the listed duration for them to be considered won. For example: a bet on Over/Under 88.5 minutes in a Tennis match will be settled as Over only if at least 89 full minutes are completed.
- Casinoacknowledges that some bets might require the rounding-up of percentages, units or other criteria which are decisive for the settlement of the bet. Should that be the case, Casinoreserves the right to adjust and settle accordingly.
- Any reference to goals scored by specific players will not count if they are defined as ‘own goals’ (scored in their own goal) unless otherwise stated.
- Any reference to confederation, nationality or similar will be subject to the definition by the official governing body/association.
- Any medals won by a team/nation per competition will count as one (1) single medal regardless of the number of team members (i.e. Olympic ice hockey gold medal).
- Offers related to a total amount of occurrences/events scored/tallied by a particular player, in a single team performance in a specific competition (such as Total Touchdowns Scored by Player X for Team Y) will only take into account total amount of occurrences/events scored/tallied by the particular player while playing for that team in that particular competition. Should any of the following occurrences happen to the listed player, the bets will be considered void: (i) does not take part in at least 50% of the competition's stipulated games (excluding eventual Play-offs/Play-outs/Post-season); (ii) does not take part in at least another game after the bet has been placed.
6. Tattersalls Rule 4 |
- In the event of one non-runner or one non-Participant, the odds on the remaining runners or remaining Participants are reduced in accordance with the so-called Tattersalls Rule 4.
- Win Betting:
- Current odds (decimal form) of the withdrawn runner/Deductions in percentage of net gain
1.30 and lower 75%
1.31 to 1.40 70%
1.41 to 1.53 65%
1.54 to 1.62 60%
1.63 to 1.80 55%
1.81 to 1.95 50%
1.96 to 2.20 45%
2.21 to 2.50 40%
2.51 to 2.75 35%
2.76 to 3.25 30%
3.26 to 4.00 25%
4.01 to 5.00 20%
5.01 to 6.50 15%
6.51 to 10.00 10%
10.01 to 15.00 5%
15.01 and higher No deductions made
- Place Betting:
- Current odds of the withdrawn runner/Deductions in percentage of net gain
1.06 and lower 55%
1.07 to 1.14 45%
1.15 to 1.25 40%
1.26 to 1.52 30%
1.53 to 1.85 25%
1.86 to 2.40 20%
2.41 to 3.15 15%
3.16 to 4.00 10%
4.01 to 5.00 5%
5.01 and higher No deductions made
- In the event of two or more non-runners or non-Participants, the total reduction shall not exceed 75%. The deduction in this case will be based on the aggregate odds of the withdrawn runners.
C. Sports Betting Rules & Limits |
All conditions stated in this section have priority to any other rule or condition. |
1. Football |
- Unless otherwise stated, all bets on Football are determined on the basis of the result after the game is over, including overtime (if necessary).
- All offers will be declared void unless 55 minutes of play have been completed except for those the outcome of which have been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome (i.e. First Team to Score if this has already happened).
- "Head to Head" and “Over/Under” bets involving one or more players’ performance in the game/league are considered valid given that all listed players take part in the game/league at some stage for bets to stand.
- Unless specifically stated or implied in the offer characteristics, settlement of Season bets will be based as per the classifications, definitions and tie-breaking rules as per, or the official website of the competition (as applicable).
- Unless otherwise specified, a typical NFL/NCAA week/round schedule is considered as running from Thursday to the following Wednesday, as per local stadium time. Any events/offers not completed within the aforementioned timeframe will be settled as void, except for those offers the outcomes of which has already been decided and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome. Bets referring to events which have been rescheduled within the same week/round will remain valid as much as said events are played within timeframe above.
- Gameday/Weekly props is where it is possible to bet on the performances and outcomes of a pre-defined selection of teams and/or individual players’ occurrences happening in a collection of games/events on a specified week/round/day/ (example: Total Points Scored in games from a specific Conference, Highest/Lowest Scoring team, Player Yardage markets etc). All applicable games/events (including any rescheduling to be played within the aforementioned timeframe), must be completed and validated for the specified week/round/day/ for bets to stand except for those the outcomes of which has been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome. In addition, offers referring to the performance of specified players require that all the specified players are active participants at any point of the applicable game for bets to stand.
- All offers referring to player performances remain valid regardless of eventual player trades during any point in the season.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' in a single game (example: Total Passing Yards Thrown by Player X) or confronting performances from 2 individual players during the course of a game (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will throw most Passing Yards), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in the applicable game for bets to stand.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' over a particular period (example: Total Passing Yards Thrown by Player X during the Regular Season) or confronting performances from 2 individual players during the course of the season (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will throw most Passing Yards during the Regular Season), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in at least one more game applicable for the offer after bet acceptance for bets to stand.
- Bets on ‘Half time/Full time’ (ie. predicting the outcome at Half Time combined with the result at the end of the 4th Quarter) will not take into account any outcomes in overtime (if applicable).
- Settlement on offers referring to “Offensive Yards” will be based on the net number of yards including any sack yardage lost.
- Offers referring to any team scoring a specified successive number of times unanswered will consider scorings tallied during eventual Overtime but excludes any PATs (points after Touchdowns or 2 point conversions).
- Settlement on all penalty offers will be based on the penalty being accepted. Declined penalties do not count.
- Bets referring to the outcome of a particular drive will be settled as void in case of an incomplete drive. In cases where Team A has the ball and fumbles with the ball being recovered by Team B who successively fumbles it back to Team A, the outcome will be settled as a “Turnover”. Turnover on Downs (failed 4th Down attempt), will also be considered as a “Turnover”. Should it happen that a punt is fumbled by the receiving team and recovered by the kicking team, bets will be settled as “Punt”.
- Offers on whether a 1st Down will be made during the current drive will be settled as “YES” should a new set of “Downs” be achieved either by Run, Pass (including cases where a Touchdown is scored as a result) or an Automatic 1st Down Penalty. “Safety” or “Field Goal” (irrespective whether the Field Goal being scored or not), will settle the offer as “NO”. Any Down replayed due to non-automatic penalties will not be considered for settlement purposes unless committed with 5 yards or less to go.
- Settlement on which team will gain most Passing/Rushing yards will be based on the gross number of yards thrown/run, including any negative yardage for passing/rushing.
2. Baseball |
- Unless otherwise stated, bets on Baseball are determined on the basis of the result after any eventual extra innings, and regardless of the amount of innings played, as declared by the organising body/association.
- A bet is declared void on a cancelled or postponed game which has not started, or in the case of a result not having been issued within twelve hours of the scheduled start time.
- Moneyline ("Match") bets will be declared void in case of a tie after the eventual extra innings. All other offers which could reasonably be settled (e.g. "Over/Under", "Handicap" and "Odd/Even") will be settled according to the result after the extra innings.
- Runline (Spread or "Handicap"), "Over/Under" and "Odd/Even" bets require all scheduled innings to be completed, or at least 8.5 innings to be completed if the home team is in advantage, for bets to stand. This applies to all offers except those the outcome of which has been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events. These will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- The name of the so-called starting pitcher has no relevance on how offers are settled.
- For settlement purposes "First Half" bets are deemed to be referring to the outcomes deriving from the first 5 innings. All 5 innings must be completed for bets to stand except for those offers the outcome of which has been decided prior to the abandonment and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- "Head to Head" and “Over/Under” bets involving one or more players’ performance in the game/event/tournament are considered valid given that all listed players take part in the game/event/tournament at some stage for bets to stand.
- All bets referring to aggregated Tournament Totals (such as Runs, etc.) will be settled based on official statistics by the governing association. Unless otherwise stated, cumulative amounts of such bets will include eventual prolongations (e.g. Extra Innings).
- Moneyline bets require a minimum of 5 full innings to be played or at least 4.5 innings in case the team batting second is leading at that particular point.
- Bets on the outcome of a particular period (example Inning X) or occurrences achieved during a time-limited period require the specified period to be completed with the exception of those offers the outcome of which is already determined before any interruption and/or any further continuance of play could not possibly produce a different outcome to said offers which will be settled accordingly.
- Unless specifically stated or implied in the offer characteristics, settlement of Season bets will be based as per the classifications, definitions and tie-breaking rules as per, or the official website of the competition (as applicable).
- All offers referring to player performances remain valid regardless of eventual player trades during any point in the season.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' in a single game (example: Total Hits by Player X) or comparing performances from 2 individual players during the course of a match (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will have most Hits), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in the applicable match for bets to stand.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' over a particular period (example: Total Runs Scored by Player X during the Regular Season) or comparing performances from 2 individual players during the course of the season (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will score most Runs during the Regular Season), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in at least one more match applicable for the offer after bet acceptance for bets to stand.
3. Basketball |
- A bet on Basketball is determined on the basis of the Result after the game is over, including overtime (if necessary), unless otherwise stated.
- Bets referring to the game outcome (aka “Moneyline”) from ties which are decided over two or more match-ups will have the “Including Overtime” offer voided in case the game ends in a tie and no further play is done in that particular game (this is more likely to happen in European basketball).
- In multiple game series, all points collected during any overtime period will count for the final settlement of that particular game.
- "Head to Head" and “Over/Under” bets involving one or more players’ performance in the game/event/tournament are considered valid given that all listed players take part in the game/event/tournament at some stage for bets to stand.
- All bets referring to aggregated League/Tournament Totals (such as Points, Rebounds, Assists, etc.) will be settled based on official statistics by the governing body/association. Unless otherwise stated, cumulative amounts of such bets will include eventual prolongations (e.g. overtime).
- Unless specifically stated or implied in the offer characteristics, settlement of Season bets will be based as per the classifications, definitions and tie-breaking rules as per, or the official website of the competition (as applicable).
- All offers referring to player performances remain valid regardless of eventual player trades during any point in the season.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' in a single game (example: Total Points Scored by Player X) or comparing performances from two individual players during the course of a game (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will score most Points), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in the applicable game for bets to stand.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' over a particular period (example: Total Points Scored by Player X during the Regular Season) or comparing performances from two individual players during the course of the season (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will score most Points during the Regular Season), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in at least one more game applicable for the offer after bet acceptance for bets to stand.
- Bets on Double Result (ie. predicting the outcome at Half Time combined with the result at the end of the 4th Quarter) will not take into account any outcomes in overtime (if applicable).
4. Ice Hockey |
- Settlement of player related and team total bets in a league/competition/tournament (such as Goals, Assists, Points, Penalty Minutes, etc.) will be settled based on official statistics by the governing body/association. Unless otherwise stated, cumulative amounts of such bets will include eventual prolongations (e.g. Over Time) but not Penalty Shoot Outs.
- "Head to Head" and “Over/Under” bets involving the performance of one or more players in the game/event/tournament are considered valid given that all listed players take part in the game/event/tournament at some stage.
- Settlement of player related bets in a specific game will be based on the result after the end of the 3rd period (Regular Time), unless otherwise stated.
- For the purpose of settlement, “Over/Under” bets referring to Total Goals Scored in the game including any eventual goals scored in Overtime and Penalty Shootouts, will be settled by counting as only “1”, regardless of how many goals are scored by either team during the Overtime/Penalty Shootout. The following examples can be used for consideration:
- Example 1 - Over/Under (Regular Time): Game ends 2-2 at the end of the 3rd period. Total Goals will be settled as 2-2 (4 goals in total).
- Example 2 - Over/Under (Including OT and Penalty Shootout): Game ends 2-2 at the end of the 3rd period and Team A scores in OT. Total Goals will be settled as 3-2 (5 goals in total).
- Example 3 - Over/Under (Including OT and Penalty Shootout): Game ends 2-2 at the end of the 3rd period. OT ends 0-0 while during the Penalty Shootout Team A scores 1 and Team B scores 2. Total Goals will be settled as 2-3 (5 goals in total).
- Unless specifically stated or implied within the offer, all bets on Ice Hockey are determined on the basis of the result at the end of Regular Time (ie. end of 3rd Period).
- Unless specifically stated or implied in the offer characteristics, settlement of Season bets will be based as per the classifications, definitions and tie-breaking rules as per, or the official website of the competition (as applicable).
- All offers referring to player performances remain valid regardless of eventual player trades during any point in the season.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' in a single game (example: Total Goals Scored by Player X) or confronting performances from two individual players during the course of a game (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will score most Goals), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in the applicable game for bets to stand.
- Offers referring to individual player performances' over a particular period (example: Total Goals Scored by Player X during the Regular Season) or comparing performances from two individual players during the course of the season (example: Which of Player X or Player Y will score most Goals during the Regular Season), require all listed individuals to be an active participant in at least one more game after bet acceptance for bets to stand.
5. Soccer |
- First Goalscorer – The bet refers to a specific player being the scorer of the first goal either during a particular timeframe of the event (E.g. “First goal in the match” or “First goal in the 2nd Half”), or else being the first scorer for his team (E.g. “First Goalscorer – Team X)”. Bets will be refunded on players who do not take part in the match or else come on the field of play after the goal to which the bet refers to has been scored. Own goals do not count for the settlement of this offer. Should the goal to which the bet refers to be deemed as an own goal, the next player to score a goal which is not an own goal and conforms with the bet offer parameters will be deemed as the winning outcome. In case no goals (or no further goals, as applicable) is/are scored which are not own goals and fulfil the remaining bet offer parameters, all bets will be considered lost.
- Last Goalscorer – The bet refers to a specific player being the scorer of the last goal either during a particular timeframe of the event (E.g. “Last goal in the match” or “Last goal in the 1st Half”), or else being the last scorer for his team (E.g. “Last Goalscorer – Team X)”. Stakes will be refunded only on players who do not take part in the match at all. In all other instances bets will remain valid, irrespective of the time of inclusion/substitution of the player. Own goals do not count for the settlement of this offer. Should the goal to which the bet refers to be deemed as an own goal, the previous player to score a goal which is not an own goal and conforms with the bet offer parameters will be deemed as the winning outcome. In case no goals (or no previous goals, as applicable) is/are scored which are not own goals and fulfil the remaining bet offer parameters, all bets will be considered lost.
- "Scorecast" and “Matchcast” are bet offers where it is possible to bet simultaneously on a particular occurrence (e.g. First Goalscorer) combined with another from the same, or related event (e.g. Correct Score in the match, or match outcome). Should the bet refer to First or Last Goal Scorer, terms and conditions as stated in <Section C.5.1> and <Section C.5.2> will apply, where applicable. Bets will be refunded on players who do not take part in the match at all. In all other instances bets will remain valid, irrespective of the time of inclusion/substitution of the player. Own goals do not count for the settlement of this offer.
- Unless otherwise specified, or indicated in conjunction with the bet offer, all other goal-related bets will require the listed player(s) to play from the start of the match to be valid. Own goals will never count as a goal scored for any selected player.
- On all bets related to yellow/red cards, booking points, etc., only cards shown to players which at that moment are on the field are valid for settlement purposes. Cards, disciplinary actions, suspensions, imposed on any other individual which at the moment of the sanction is not, or should not, be actively playing on the pitch, as well as disciplinary measures taken after the game has officially ended, are disregarded.
- All disciplinary-related bets referring to individual(s) (e.g. yellow card, red card, number of fouls), will require the listed player(s) to play from the start of the match to be valid.
- "Booking Points" are calculated according to the following rules: Yellow card = 10 points, Red card = 25 points. Maximum points for one player are 35.
- "Head to Head" and “Over/Under” bets involving the performance of one or more players in the match are considered valid given that all listed players start the match for bets to stand.
- "Head to Head" and “Over/Under” bets involving the performance of one or more players in the event/tournament are considered valid given that all listed players take part in the event/tournament at some stage for bets to stand.
- All bets referring to aggregated Tournament Totals (such as Goals, Corners, Cards, Penalties, etc.) will be settled based on official statistics by the governing association. Unless otherwise stated, cumulative amounts of such bets will include eventual prolongations (e.g. Extra Time) but not Penalty Shoot Outs.
- Unless specifically stated, all bets referring to a particular team winning a number/selection of trophies in the same season will be based on the particular team's performance within the following competitions: the domestic league, the apparent equivalent of the respective FA Cup and League Cup as well as the Champions League or Europa League. Other trophies (e.g. domestic and European Super Cup, World Club Cup) do not count.
- The "Domestic Double" is to be considered as the team’s victory in the apparent equivalent of the respective domestic league and FA Cup.
- For settlement purposes, bets referring to the number of cards shown by the referee will be counted as follows:
- Yellow card = 1
- Red card = 2
- One yellow and a red = 3
- Two yellow cards and a red = 3
The maximum cards for one player is 3 cards. Only cards shown to players currently eligible as per C.14.5 will be taken into consideration.
- Bets on whether a particular player(s) will manage to score from certain areas of the pitch (E.g. from outside the 'penalty box') will be settled based on the position of the ball at the time the shot was struck by the player, irrelevant of any further deflections which the ball trajectory might incur following the initial shot. For the sake of clarity, the lines delineating the 'penalty box' are to be considered as an integral part of such area of the pitch. Thus, should a shot be struck with the ball hovering above, or touching, even partially, said lines, the shot will not be considered as having been effected from outside the box.
- Bets on whether a particular player(s) will manage to hit the cross bar, goal post or any other part of the frame delineating the goal area will only be settled as having accomplished such feat if the shot does not result directly in a goal being awarded exactly after the ball hits a part of the goal frame. Settlement will only take into consideration shots aimed at the goal frame defended by the opponents of the listed player(s) team. Should a player have a shot which hits the post their team defends this will not be considered as having accomplished this feat.
- During certain events Casinomight decide to offer a reduced selection of participants for betting (E.g. Any unlisted Team X player) or else a single participant as a representation of the whole squad (E.g. “Any Team X player”). In both cases for settlement purposes, all unlisted squad members are to be deemed as starters (and settled as such), including substitutes regardless whether they take part in the match or not.
- Bets on the performance of players starting the match on the bench will be settled as void if the player is either listed in the starting XI or does not take part in the match at all.
- On offers such as Next Goalscorer, Next Carded player, Next Assist and Man of the Match, stakes will be refunded should the chosen player not take part in the match at all. Results for this offer will include any outcomes obtained during eventual Extra Time but not during Penalty Shoot-outs.
- Bets on “Next Assist” for a particular goal will be settled as void should the governing association declare the specified goal as having been unassisted, the specified goal is an own goal and/or no more goals are scored in the match. Results for this offer will include any goals scored during eventual Extra Time but not during Penalty Shoot-outs.
- Bets referring to penalty kicks conversion and/or outcome will be settled according to the outcome occurred on the field of play as per the rules governing that specific scenario and in cases of penalty shoot-outs will remain valid regardless of the format employed by the governing association during the shoot-out. Bets stand in case the penalty is ordered to be re-taken and will be settled with the outcome achieved from the re-taken penalty.
As a general principle, settlement will be based on the concept that unless the penalty kick results in a goal being awarded (and settled accordingly), the first person/object/location (as applicable) which the ball initially touches after being kicked will be considered as the winning outcome, disregarding any other persons/objects the ball hits in its subsequent trajectory following any previous deflection, if any. The following examples are being issued as a general guideline on settlement:
"Goal" would be the winning outcome in case of the following scored penalties scenarios:
- Any penalty kick which ends up as a goal without it being deflected;
- Goalkeeper touches the penalty kick but ball ends up as goal;
- Penalty kick touches the woodwork before ending up in goal.
"Save" would be the winning outcome in case of the following missed penalties scenarios:
- Goalkeeper deflects the penalty kick to outside the goal frame;
- Goalkeeper deflects the penalty kick onto the post/crossbar.
"Woodwork" would be the winning outcome in case of the following missed penalties scenarios:
- Penalty kick hits the woodwork before it is touched/saved by the goalkeeper;
- Penalty kick hits the woodwork and ball goes outside the goal frame.
"Any other Miss" would be the winning outcome in case of any penalty kick which without any deflection either by the goalkeeper or by the woodwork ends up outside the goal frame:
The exception to the above scenarios would be in in case of penalty shoot-outs, should the ball hit the woodwork, bounce on the goalkeeper and end in goal, such penalty will be considered as having been scored while should said situation occur during any other part of the match which is not a penalty shoot-out, the penalty taker would be considered as having missed to score and "hitting the woodwork" will be considered as the winning outcome.
- Any decision taken by the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) which conflicts with the original decision sanctioned by the officials on the pitch (including non-decisions like allowing play to continue before reviewing the video), thus altering the understood state of the match at the time of bet placement, will result in all bets placed in the timeframe between the actual occurrence of the original incident and the referee's final decision on the incident being deemed as void, unless the odds offered on the specific bet offer are unaffected by the use of VAR or have already been accounted for in the odds offered at the time of bet acceptance. Settlement on all other unrelated bet-offers, including those determined by any play between the time of the original incident and the decision following the VAR review, which are not influenced/altered by the VAR decision will stand.
For resulting purposes VAR reviews are to be considered as having happened at the time of the original incident for which the VAR would be eventually used even if play has not been immediately interrupted. Casinoreserves the right, in accordance with <Section A, Para 7.2>, to reverse any previously settled offers where the settlement becomes inaccurate following the final referee decision, providing said decision is taken and communicated before the conclusion of the match and/or timeframe listed.
In order to avoid any doubts, Casinowill consider the VAR as having been used if it is understood from the referee's gestures (i.e. hand gestures, stopping the match to review the incident themselves), and/or the VAR usage is confirmed by the match report issued by the official organization. In cases where it is unclear whether the VAR has been used due to missing TV coverage and/or conflicting reports, Casinowill settle the bets based on the information acquired from feed providers and generally reputable online sources on the basis of equity.
- For settlement purposes, markets referring to the team to be shown the next Card (booking) and/or “Total Cards” will always consider a Red Card as two instances of a card being shown and will be settled accordingly. The following examples are being listed as a guideline:
- First card shown in a match is a straight Red Card. The team to which the card is awarded will be settled as the winning selection for the offers: Cards #1 and #2;
- First card shown in a match is a Yellow Card followed by a straight Red Card to the same player without a second yellow card being shown. The team to which the cards are awarded will be settled as the winning selection for the offers: Cards #1, #2 and #3;
- First card shown in a match is a Yellow Card followed by a second Yellow Card with the subsequent Red Card to the same player. The team to which the cards are awarded will be settled as the winning selection for the offers: Cards #1, #2 and #3.
- Markets referring to which specific player will be the next to be booked/receive a card are to be understood and settled as per the order of the instance in which each single player gets booked/sent off by the referee. The card colour shown by the referee will not be given any consideration in the settlement of this offer and the decisive criteria will always be the order in which the single player is considered to have gone into the referee’s book. For settlement purposes it is possible for a single player to be listed twice as the “Next Carded player” as much as both bookings occur during different interruptions of play. Should 2 or more players be booked during the same interruption of play, bets on this offer will be settled as void.
- Any reference to “Free Kicks” both when presented as a single outcome, as well as an occurrence will also take into consideration instances awarded for offsides and any other violation except those sanctioned with a penalty.
6. Boxing |
- All offers will be settled according to the official result of the relevant governing body immediately as declared by the ring announcer at the end of the fight.
- For settlement purposes, in case the match is interrupted for any reason in between rounds, e.g. retirement before the start of a round, disqualification, failure to answer the bell, the fight will be deemed to have finished at the end of the previous round.
- Offers on fights declared as a "No Contest" or "Technical draw" will be settled as void, except for those offers the outcome of which has been decided prior to the decision and could not possibly be changed regardless of future events, which will be settled according to the decided outcome.
- If for any reason, the number of rounds in a fight is changed, offers which make specific reference to rounds, such as "Round betting", "Group of Rounds", "Over/Under", "Method of Victory" and “To go the distance” will be declared void.
- For settlement purposes, betting on rounds or groups of rounds refers to a fighter to win by KO (Knockout), TKO (Technical Knockout), or disqualification during that round or group of rounds. If for any reason, a points decision is awarded before the full number of scheduled rounds is completed, or a boxer is disqualified, bets will be settled on the round in which the fight was stopped. Bets which nominate 'to win on points' will only be deemed winners if the full number of rounds is completed.
- For a match to be declared as having been decided by "points", (e.g. the different definition of "decision"), all scheduled rounds must be completed. All other decisions (e.g. KO, TKO, withdrawal, submission, disqualification, failure to answer the bell, clash of heads, low blow, etc.) will be settled as if the boxer has won the fight without the need of a decision, aka "before the bell".
- Bets referring to round/fight duration represents the actual time passed in the round/fight, as applicable, depending on the scheduled round/fight duration. For example a bet on Over 4.5 Total Rounds in a Boxing fight will be settled as Over once a minute and a half in the 5th Round has passed.
7. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) |
- Terms and conditions stated for Boxing apply where applicable.
8. Tennis and Racket Sports (Badminton, Rackleton, Squash & Table Tennis) |
- All bets will remain valid as far as the match/offer is played within the tournament framework regardless of any changes (either before or during the match), in conditions (indoor/outdoor) and/or surface types, unless other arrangements have been agreed.
- “Match” (Moneyline) bet offers are based on the general principle of tournament progress or tournament win, depending on which phase of the competition the match refers to. The player/team progressing to the next round or winning the tournament is to be considered as the winner of the bet regardless of match duration, withdrawals, disqualifications, etc. These bets require at least one set to be completed for bets to stand.
- “Over/Under” and "Handicap"/Spread offers on unfinished matches the outcome of which is already determined before the interruption of play and/or where any further continuance of play could not possibly produce a different outcome to said offers, will be settled based on the result achieved until the interruption. For the calculation of these settlements, the minimum amount of occurrences which should have been needed to bring the offer to the natural conclusion will be added as necessary depending on the number of sets which the match is scheduled for. Should this calculation produce a situation where no possible alterations could affect the outcome of the offer this will be settled as such. The following examples can be used for consideration:
- Example 1 - Over/Under: A retirement occurs in a match scheduled for three sets with the score 7-6, 4-4. The offers: “Total Games Set 2 – 9.5” (or any lines lower than that amount) & “Total Games Played in the Match – 22.5” (or any lines lower than that amount) will be settled with “Over” bets as winning and “Under” bets as losing. Bets on lines higher than that will be settled as void.
- Example 2 – Handicap/Spread: A retirement occurs at the start of the 3rd set in a match scheduled for 5 sets with the score at 1-1. Bets on +2.5/-2.5 Sets will be settled as winners and losers respectively. Offers on any lines lower than that amount will be settled as void.
- All “Correct Score” (namely Set Betting and Game Betting), “Odd/Even”, and those offers which refer to the winner of a particular period in the match (example “Which player will win the first set?” and “Set 2 – Game 6: Winner” require the relevant part of the match to be completed.
- All type of offers not specified above require at least one set to be completed for bets to stand, except for those offers the outcome of which is already determined before the interruption of play and any further continuation of play could not possibly produce a different outcome.
- In a Doubles match, all bets will be declared void if any of the stated players are being replaced.
- Any reference to "Grand Slams" will be based on the tournaments for that particular season to which the ITF attributes said definition, irrespective of any venue, date, or any other changes.
- Unless explicitly stated, all bets on Davis Cup matches will be voided in case it is decided that the match is played in any other format than “Best of 5 Sets”, (e.g. Best of 3 Sets).
- Offers relative to the Davis Cup are offered with the explicit assumption that the particular match-up will form part of the so-called “rubbers” for the next available Singles session, which usually consists of two Singles matches per session. All bets will be cancelled on matches which are intended for the first or second rubber (usually Friday Singles matches) which had the listed participants changed, regardless of the fact that the same encounter could actually happen during other match-ups of the same tie/round.
- Results acquired in a "Pro Set" will be valid only for the following offers: "Match", "Set Handicap/Spread", "Set Betting" and "Total Sets". All other types of offers will be settled as void, with the exception of offers the outcome of which is already determined.
- In cases where a "Match Tie-Break" is used by the organizing committee/federation as the deciding factor in determining the outcome of the match, said "Match Tie-Break" will only count as 1 "Game" as applicable. (Example: A match with the following scores: 6-4 (Set 1), 2-6 (Set 2) and 10-8 (Match tie-break) will be resulted in Participant/Team A winning 9 Games (6+2+1) while Participant/Team B will be considered as won 10 (4+6+0).
9. Golf |
- All bets will be deemed as valid as long as the Tournament, or the relative round to which the bet refers to, is played within the same year, irrespective of any time delays, unless other arrangements have been agreed to.
- All bets referring to Tournament Performance (Winner, Place, Group Betting, Top Nationality, Individual Final Position, etc.) will be deemed valid as long as 36 holes have been completed by the eligible players, and an official result has been declared by the organisation.
- Bet offers already decided are considered as valid bets even though 36 holes are not played and/or an official result has not been issued by the organisation.
- Any result from officially-sanctioned playoffs will count towards the settlement of the offers.
- Bets on players who start the tournament but withdraw voluntarily or are disqualified will be settled as losing bets, unless the result of the offer which the bet refers to is already determined.
- All Win/Place bets referring to the Competition Winner and Top Nationality Markets placed after 7pm EST of the Monday of the week of the tournament on participants who do not compete at all will be refunded. All other Win/Place bets will be deemed valid.
- In outright bets which include a limited selection of participants, such as Top Nationality, Group Betting, etc., Casinoreserves the right to apply Tattersalls Rule 4 on any non-starter. Dead Heat rules will apply except for cases where a play-off has determined a better finishing position.
- All "Head to Head" bet offers require all participants to start in the event/round to which the bet refers to.
- In "Head to Head" bets featuring only two players, bets will be refunded if both participants share the same finishing position and no draw option has been offered. In "Head to Head" bets featuring three players, should two or more participants share the same finishing position, bets will be divided in accordance with <Section B.5.19>.
- Settlement of "Head to Head" bet offers involving the performance of two or more players (e.g. Best Finishing Position in the tournament) will be based upon the best finishing position/lowest score (as applicable) achieved in the relative event/round which the bet refers to.
- Any reference to Make/Miss the "Cut" requires an official cut/exclusion effected by the organizers for bets to stand. In the case of tournaments where players are eliminated during more than one phase, settlement will be based on a whether the player has qualified or not following the first "Cut" made.
- Disqualification/withdrawals by a player before the "Cut" is made, will result in the player being considered as having missed the "Cut.” Disqualification/withdrawals subsequent to the "Cut" being made will be irrelevant towards the original settlement of the "Make the Cut" offers.
- In "Head to Heads" based on the best finishing position in the tournament, in case one player misses the cut then the other player will be settled as the winner. If both participants fail to make the "Cut" the player with the lowest score at the "Cut" will be considered as the winner. Should both players fail to make the "Cut" with the same score then the bet will be void. A player disqualified after the "Cut" has been made is deemed to have beaten a player who has failed to make the "Cut".
- Any reference to "Majors" will be based on the tournaments for that particular season to which the PGA attributes said definition, irrespective of any venue, date, or any other changes.
10. Motor Sports |
- This section is valid for all sports related to Motor Racing, such as: Formula One, A1 GP, CART, Indy Car, Nascar, Circuit Racing, Touring Cars, DTM, Endurance, Rally, Rally-cross, Motorcycling, Superbike.
- Bets are settled according to the publication of live timing and classification as shown on TV at the time of podium presentations, or at the end of the session/race/event (as applicable). Should the information required for the settling of the offer be missing/not shown and/or incomplete, the first official information on the official site will be deemed binding, regardless of subsequent promotions, demotions, appeals and/or penalties inflicted after the termination of the session/race which the bet refers to.
- Events being shortened due to weather conditions or other situations but are deemed official by the governing association will be settled accordingly, regardless of any changes which said associations might make due to the incompletion of the race.
- Should an event/race/session/lap/heat be restarted from the beginning, bets will stand and will be settled according to the result issued after the restart, except for those bets the outcome of which has already been determined.
- For settlement purposes, a driver/rider who has taken part in an officially-sanctioned practice or qualification session is considered to have taken part in the event, regardless of his eventual participation in the actual race.
- In "Head to Head" bets all listed participants must take part in the session to which the bet refers to for bets to stand, irrespective of whether a driver manages to get an official time.
- In "Outright" or "Place" bets, no refunds will apply on those participants who do not take part for any reason, for the session/event/championship to which the offer refers to.
- Settlement for any offer with reference to "Race completion" will be based on official regulations as issued by the governing association.
- A "Head to Head" bet where both drivers/riders fail to complete the race is determined on the basis of the most laps completed. In case the participants fail to complete the race and are recorded for the same number of laps, the bet is declared void, except in cases of Rally where at least one of the listed participants must complete the event, otherwise the bets will be declared void.
- Time penalties inflicted by the governing Association during the qualifying session(s) will count. Other grid demotions/promotions are disregarded.
- A Race is considered to have started when the warm-up lap starts (where applicable), thus all drivers/riders taking part in the warm-up lap are deemed to have started. In case of a participant whose start is delayed, or starts the race from the pit lane, the participant is also deemed to have taken part.
- Settlement of seasonal markets will take into account the classification issued exactly after the completion of the last race of the season including any decisions taken by the organizing association during the season, given that said decision is issued before the last race of the season. Any decision (even on appeal) taken after the end of the last stipulated race is deemed as irrelevant.
- All bets which make reference to teams' performances will stand regardless of any driver/rider changes.
- Bets will stand regardless of any schedule/location/circuit changes as far as the race/event is held within the same year/season, irrespective of any time delays, calendar order, etc., except for those bets placed after 00:00CET of the Monday of the week for which the race/event is scheduled which will be refunded should the race/event/session that the offer refers to not be held within 7 days of the scheduled date at the time the bet was placed.
- Bets referring to specific teams' performance during the race require the initially stipulated number of vehicles from each team to start the race for bets to stand, otherwise they will be declared void (e.g. in Formula 1, two cars from each team should start the race).
- Settlement of bets referring to the inclusion of the "Safety Car" will not take into account those occurrences in which the actual race starts behind the "Safety Car".
- Settlement of offers on the first driver/car to retire will be based on the actual lap in which the driver is considered to have withdrawn from the race. Thus if two or more drivers retire during the same lap bets will be settled in accordance with <Section B.5.14>.
- Bets on the First/Next Driver to retire during the race will include only the outcomes deriving after the official start of the race. Any retirements/withdrawals previous to the actual start of the Grand Prix/race (including those during the warm-up lap) will not be considered for settlement purposes.
11. Standard Sport Specific Limits |
- As mentioned in <Section A.5.1>, Casinoreserves the right to limit the net payout (the payout after the wager amount has been deducted) on any bet or combination of bets, by one patron or any group of patrons acting together. For clarity, individual bets will be limited as per Casino Sports Book’s risk management policies and will vary from the limits stated below.
- Unless explicitly agreed upon, winnings in excess of the limits listed below will be disregarded.
- Limits vary depending on the sport, the type of competition and the type of bet offer. Should a bet contain a combination of offers from different sports/categories/matches and/or offer types, the payout will be limited to the lowest level included in the combination, as specified below.
- Football & Baseball
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- NFL & MLB.
- The limit $25,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any other Football or Baseball (i.e. NCAA, CFL etc).
- Basketball
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- NBA, Euroleague, Olympic, World and Continental Tournaments for Men governed by FIBA.
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any other Basketball offer (i.e. NCAA etc).
- Ice Hockey
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- NHL, Olympic, World and Continental Tournaments for Men governed by IIHF.
- Any domestic league on the top-level for Men in any of the following countries: Finland & Sweden.
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all match-related offers that belong to any other Ice Hockey (i.e. NCAA etc).
- Soccer:
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- Olympic, World and Continental Tournaments for Men governed by FIFA or UEFA, including qualification phases.
- International Club Tournaments for Men governed by FIFA or UEFA, including qualification phases;
- Any domestic league on the top-level for Men in any of the following countries: Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Sweden & Spain;
- Any main domestic cup for Men in any of the following countries: Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Sweden & Spain.
The limit $40,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- All other International Tournaments;
- All other International Club Tournaments;
- Domestic leagues on the top-level in any other country;
- Main domestic cups in any other country;
- Any domestic league on the 2nd level for men in the following countries: Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden & Spain;
- Any International Friendly that is regulated by FIFA.
The limit $25,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any other Football, excluding Beach Soccer & Futsal.
- The limit $10,000 will apply to all bets related to players (including Yellow/Red Cards), corners, shots on goal and other offers that are not decisive in deciding the outcome of a competition/match.
- Tennis
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- Grand Slam Tournaments from 3rd round onwards.
- The limit $35,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- ATP & WTA Tournaments from quarter-finals onwards.
- The limit $42,000 will apply for all other competition/match-related offers.
- Golf
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- Majors, WGC, PGA, European & LPGA Tour events; Ryder & Solheim Cup.
- The limit $25,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any other Golf.
- All bets related to players, transfers, managers, disciplinary measures and other offers that are not decisive in deciding the outcome of a match/league/tournament, will be treated as PR & Novelty Bets and subject to the same limits.
- Motor Sports
- The limit $50,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any of the following categories:
- Formula 1, MotoGP, Moto 2 & Moto 3.
- The limit $25,000 will apply for all competition/match-related offers that belong to any other Motor Sports.
- All bets related to players, transfers, managers, disciplinary measures and other offers that are not decisive in deciding the outcome of a match/league/tournament, will be treated as PR & Novelty Bets and subject to the same limits.
- Other Sports
- The limit $25,000 will apply to all competition/match-related offers in the following Sports: Boxing, MMA.
- The limit $10,000 will apply to all competition/match-related offers in all other Sports.